Saturday, December 30, 2017


Basics of Flight
At some point we all will fly a paper airplane , if not for class maybe just for fun, but what makes that airplane fly and what makes one paper airplane any better than any other?

Experiment Title:

What properties make for a fantastic paper airplane?


The objective of this experiment is to learn about aerodynamics (the study of the motion of air) and how understanding it can lead to flight of things even more complicated than paper airplanes (think of all the amazing missions that NASA has done to the planets in our Solar System because of their basic understanding of Aerodynamics!)

Background on Aerodynamics:

Unless otherwise cited information for the background on this post was gained from NASA’s post of the Dynamics of Flight [1].

Do you remember our Buoyancy experiment (if not you can click this link to refresh yourself), in the Buoyancy experiment we talked about two opposing forces the force of gravity that pushes down on something (that is why we do not fly off into space) and the force of Buoyancy which pushes upward on something when it is in a fluid. Now this next concept will sound a bit weird but it also super cool, air (that is the invisible gas that surrounds us and our planet making it possible to breath and sustain life) acts a lot like a fluid (Whoa I know, isn’t that completely awesome!). Now that we know that did you know that air can exert a force on an object? Think about when the wind blows outside does it just pass through you or does it send your beach ball flying (if it not properly secured)? In that instance wind is exerting a force on you now what if we found a way to use the force that air exerts on us to make us fly? For the most part we are not like the birds and cannot fly without assistance (granted birds are specially adapted to fly over millions of years). 

For centuries people from Da Vinci to the Wright Brothers tried to get mankind’s feet off of the ground and soaring through the air, do you know how they did it? They learned how to generate (make) lift on something like a plane (there have been lots of other things people have tried like jetpacks, rockets, flying cars, etc… This does not mean you should go out and try to fly on some homemade rocket, instead you should learn the principles of flight and build models of your idea and work out all of the kinks then build a slightly bigger model and again work out the kinks and by the time you have a fully working prototype you may very well be admitted to MIT for your awesome designs).

Let’s start with one of the most important concepts for flight: Lift. Lift can be describe as the upward force that is acting to counteract gravity. Remember how the buoyant force pushed against the gravity force with the egg? This is the same idea except you are using the lift force that can be generated by creating a high and low pressure system around an airplane wing. What does that mean? A high pressure system is an area where the air movement is calm and relatively slow moving (like a gentle wind) and a low pressure system is an area where the air movement is more intense (strong winds at higher speeds, pressure of the air decreases with higher speeds). 

Figure 1: This is a NASA diagram from their Dynamics of Flight, the white blob in the middle is symbolic of an airplane wing.

Now a plane wing is designed with a flat bottom (this does not disrupt the airflow and allows the air to keep flowing in the direction it was flowing before the wing came in contact with it) allowing for a gentle wind or high pressure system, and the top of the wing has a curve to it (this causes the airflow to be disrupted and in order for the air to travel to the same point in the same amount of time the air has to flow faster over the top causing a low pressure system to form). When the two systems are created this causes the pressure below the wing to be higher than the pressure above the wing and overall creates a lift force against the bottom of the wing. Here is an easy way to remember the difference between lift and buoyancy: Buoyancy is the upward force on a stationary object (should be relatively constant when moving through a constant density fluid) and Lift is an upward force on an object moving through a liquid (remember we are treating air as a liquid, even though it is a gas)[2].

To counteract the lift force we have the force of gravity (that force that keeps us on the earth and not floating out in space). One of the coolest things about gravity is that it can effect how things move. Think about the oceans, have you ever heard that about something called a tide where the water rises and falls on a beach? Well this thing is caused by the gravitational pull of the moon on the oceans (So COOL!). Gravity is the attraction of objects with Mass to one another, so even though the gravitational attraction is super small compared to the earth gravity could explain why your little brother is always drawn to you. When looking at flight a plane will need to overcome gravity by creating a large enough lift force to take off from the ground, the more lift the higher your plane could potentially go (although lift will only take you as far as you can create a high and low pressure system (no air to make that difference in pressures means no lift)).

The next force is drag, and no I do not mean it is such a drag that I am not singing while I talk about it, by drag I am talking about the mechanical force that that pushes against the plane as it moves through the air. This force is not created by a field like gravity (a force field (not from Star Trek) is a field in which an object can affect another object without being in direct contact, think about the earth and a bird, while a bird is flying the bird is not in direct contact with the earth but still feels the effect of its gravity) but is created by the movement of the plane and is known as a mechanical force (a force when exerted on a body (plane, person, rock, etc…) that can cause a change in the motion (movement) of that body[3]. Think about it in this way you are running outside and a big gust of wind hits you, you react by trying to run harder and keep your pace or you slow down possibly even stop, the wind is exerting a drag force on you making it so that you have to change something (either your speed or direction) in order to keep going. A plane when traveling through the air has a drag force exerted by the air (remember air is treated like a fluid), if the plane does not counteract the drag it will not be able to go very far and so we have one more main force to talk about.

The thrust force is that last main force we have on our plane. The thrust force is force generated by the engines to move the plane through the air (when you make your own paper airplanes the amazing engines behind them will be you!). Thrust , like drag, is a mechanical force exerted by the plane’s engines on the air in order to overcome the drag and the gravity force (it overcomes gravity by moving fast enough to create a great enough pressure difference between the top and bottom of the wing to create lift). Provided you create a fairly aerodynamic paper airplane the more thrust you use the further potential the airplane has to fly a greater distance (but remember we are flying through a liquid so we will experience resistance and too much thrust and your plane will do some crazy tricks and crash right in front of you). The key here is to throw your airplane hard enough to overcome gravity and the initial drag force (since you are not constantly adding energy the drag force will eventually win and your plane will land) but not so hard that it immediately crashes.

Figure 2: This is a diagram from NASA showing the direction that each force we discussed acts in on an airplane. 

Now that we know the basics of flight let’s do something even more fun and put those dynamics into action (let’s build some paper airplanes. Here are a few example plane designs we are going to work off of for our experiment. The simplest one will be first and the most difficult example will be last. You can choose from any of these plane designs (or make your own based on the principles shown in these designs) to create your own initial airplane. All the instructions and images are from an awesome website for making super cool airplanes, check it out for more advanced designs to make at home.

The Basic [4]: this is a very basic airplane and is great for beginners to get their feet wet

The Stable [4]: this one should go a decent distance and can do some neat acrobatics if thrown the right way

The Sea Glider [4]: This is a bit harder to fold but super neat once put together

If you want to learn more about flight and the amazing things that engineers and programmers working for NASA have done or are doing check out the NASA Kids page, has tons of awesome information about space and different programs that NASA has created over 59 amazing years.


-        3-5 pieces of printer paper
-        Some marker if you want to decorate your awesome creations!


Prepare Experiment

  1. Pull the sheets of printer paper out of your stem kit and unfold them, possibly put them under a book just to make them nice and flat (don’t worry we have extra paper if you are really worried about the wrinkles on your STEM Club kit sheets)

Run Experiment

  1. Look at the different sample designs that we have and try to fold your own.
  2. Now repeat that same fold but this time try making an adjustment by increasing the point of the front of the plane or folding it so that the wings are wider rather than skinnier
  3. Repeat the folding process one more time but this time go through and

Analyze Data

The cool thing about observations and experiments is that everyone has their own unique way about going about making and doing them. Let’s all share our observations of what happened with our planes. Which features lad to the best flight, a longer tip or shorter tip, wider wings or narrower wings, the way in which it is thrown? There are no wrong answers with your observations.


We learned about the different forces that a plane experiences when trying to fly, then worked to build our own airplanes out of paper. We learned that the wing design is important for getting a good distance and decreasing drag with our nose (the front of the plane) is important.

Make It Your Own

We have done a lot to learn about flight and the forces that are involved with it. Now go home and only with your parents permission try to make a few more airplane designs from See if you can improve upon the farthest distance or coolest tricks that you did with your initial airplanes.

Extension Activities to do at home

Now try adding a weight to the front of your airplane (the paperclips in your STEM Kit will be very helpful for this), do this change how your plane flies? What if you put the paperclip on the back of your airplane, do you have the same result or something different? Now try making your airplane out of aluminum foil, what happens now?


[1] Dynamics of Flight, NASA Kid’s Page, 12/27/2017,
[2] Difference Between Lift Force And Buoyant Force, Online Forum 12/27/2017,
[3] Types of Mechanical Forces, ME Mechanical, 12-30-2017,
[4] Paper Air Plane Designs, Fold N Fly, 12/30/2017,

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